We aim to facilitate the development and enjoyment of all sport and sports infrastructure in Twizel.
Sport Twizel is a new 'umbrella' organisation established in June 2016 to provide support in the areas of strategic, governance, and facilities development for all sports clubs in Twizel. Our formal identity is the Twizel Sports Development Board.
As well as aiming to help strengthen individual Twizel sports clubs, we provide coordination of the needs of the different sports. We attempt to identify as many commonalities as possible between sports to present a strong and unified pitch to the Twizel Community Board, Mackenzie District Council, and funding bodies as we seek to improve the facilities in town and in the district at large for the benefit of all sports supporters and participants.

Held at the Twizel Events Centre, Miniball, an offshoot of basketball, is a fun way for kids to learn passing, dribbling, and team skills associated with basketball.
Miniball runs through the second term and is an ever-growing and popular club.
Start: Monday 10th of May (9 weeks)
Fees for the season:
Single child $20.00
Two children $40.00
“Family” (3 + children per household) $50.00